Monday, May 26, 2008


It's been a while since a post.  My apologies.  Let's get to it...
Last weekend I went to a couple amazing bars (in DC): Wonderland Ballroom and DC9.  It is not normal that I am able to go to two bars of my choosing during a weekend; I always end up getting roped into going to bars that feature that song "save a horse, ride a cowboy".  That shit is depressing.  Really?  Save a horse, ride a cowboy?  People can have self-respect after cheering about that song?  Deep down I know that I need to be flexible and head to where my friends want to go.  I mean, can I judge other people's music taste all the time?  Yes.

Let that be a lesson to all of you hipsters out there.  Bend, not break ppl (emo cliche alert!).  Bend.

That being said, Friday was DC9.  They have this "Liberation Dance Party" situation upstairs on Fridays, which isn't my thing, but if you stay downstairs you'll be able to pump a couple bucks into their jukebox, which rules.  I never thought I'd be able to listen to The Sound of Animals Fighting and Tokyo Police Club at the same bar.  I love that place.  Also, drinks.

Saturday was Wonderland Ballroom for a friend's b-day party.  This Mount Pleasant bar feels out of place only because it's in the middle of a residential neighborhood as opposed to the city, however, once inside, you'll be able to rock some of your favorite Social Distortion, Kinks or 80's punk records.  They also have a DJ upstairs...which is whatever...

Did I mention drinks?


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