Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lightspeed Champion @ The Black Cat...Nope

Last night there was a slight change of plans...

As I was about to go online to purchase my Lightspeed Champion tickets, I checked the DCist for the "Morning Roundup" and found something else to attend. It turns out that the JCC is hosting the Washington Jewish Music Festival this week and last night was a showing of a 1920s silent movie called The Golem with the band Davka playing the score live. Davka mixes elements of Western classical, Middle Eastern and Yiddish music. They played the score impeccably and are truly professional musicians.

Maybe I don't look hard enough, or in the right places, but this kind of thing is super refreshing for me. I first got my taste for silent films at a Salvador Dali exhibit at the Tate Modern in London. Dali is a 20th century Spanish surrealist painter who got his hands into film as well.

Anyways, the film was a great experience and I always welcome getting some additional culture outside of what DC has to offer on a daily basis. If you get a chance, check out one of the other showings at the JCC this week.

Lightspeed Champion will have to wait until next time.



Unknown said...

Since Golem didn't completely put you to sleep, I think you should check out Un Chien Andalou--a surrealist film by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí. Its a really out there, super great film--for example, the first scene is a women getting her eyeball cut open (in a very arty way, of course). And, the Pixies sing about it in Debaser. Check it out!

Juxtapose My Music Pls. said...

Thanks for the suggestion, and thank the Lord for Netflix!

I'll let you know what I think.